What The Latest Antidepressant Research Means For You

What The Latest Antidepressant Research Means For You | Dr. Sheila Dyer Naturopathic Doctor

Antidepressants are the medical gold standard when treating depression. In fact, antidepressants are one of the only tools family doctors have when treating depression other than referrals to psychotherapists. The efficacy of antidepressants has been hotly debated for years. The claims against antidepressants: they do not work, the research is all biased by the pharmaceutical companies and only the positive studies are being published. The latest meta-analysis puts this debate to rest in a couple of crucial ways.

What the research says

First of all, this study was the most comprehensive study ever undertaken to investigate the efficacy of antidepressants. The Lancet published this study in February 2018. The study analyzes the data from 512 individual studies. Another key point is the authors included as part of that 512 a large number of unpublished studies. The inclusion of unpublished studies lays to rest the idea of publication bias when interpreting the results.

With the above understanding of just how comprehensive this study was, we can now turn to the results. The conclusion was that antidepressant drugs are effective in the treatment of moderate to severe depression. Effective meaning, they worked better than placebo.  These results do not address mild depression.

How this ties into Naturopathic Medicine

Some Naturopaths are strongly against antidepressants. My philosophy is that there are a time and a place for antidepressants. Antidepressants are helpful for people with severe depression who are struggling to take the first step towards recovery. Where I am at odds with current treatment practices, is that not one size fits all. I passionately believe in a holistic and individualized approach to treating depression. Our mood and wellbeing are so much more than just the chemicals in our brains. I see a role for therapy, diet/nutrient supplementation, lifestyle, hormone health and digestive health. Also, antidepressants being more effective than placebo is not the whole picture. What about the side effects? What about the stressful experience patients have trying to get off these drugs?

Take Home Message

In conclusion, antidepressants are more effective than placebo in treating moderate to severe depression. That being true, does not take away from the need for an individualized holistic approach to treating depression. This conversation is not black and white and deserves a nuanced approach.

The study in question: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(17)32802-7/fulltext

This post is the first in a series of blog posts related to depression and mental health. Future posts will have more practical tips for taking control over your mental health. Sign up below to keep in touch.

If you have questions about naturopathic medicine, or would like to start with your first consultation, contact me, and let’s book an appointment.

Dr. Sheila Dyer, ND
1080 Dovercourt Rd,
Toronto, ON M6H 2X8

(416) 554-5135

Dr. Sheila Dyer is a Naturopathic Doctor and a practicing registered nurse offering holistic healthcare with a scientific focus