Most of us have been to a medical doctor once or thrice in our lives. We’re familiar with how the experience goes.

Most of the time, it’s quick in, quick out. Walking away, you may remember something you meant to ask.

It’s assembly line medicine. Your family doctor has loads of patients, and needs to offer solutions quickly.

Naturopathic medicine is a little different.

When you book your first full appointment with Dr. Sheila, it will last 90 minutes. For those of us used to the medical model, this may come as a surprise.

Here’s how a naturopathic assessment works, and what to expect.

What Are Your Health Goals?

Everyone has a different reason for seeking naturopathic care.

You may have a specific health condition for which you’d like natural solutions.

Maybe you’ve been dealing with some troublesome symptoms, and you’d like to get to the root cause of them.

You may have several different health conditions and are looking for treatments that address all of them together.

Or maybe you already feel great, and want to stay that way for as long as possible.

Whatever your health goals are, Dr. Sheila will tailor your treatment plan to address them.

What Is Your Health History?

In order to provide a proper treatment plan, Dr. Sheila needs a full understanding of any events you may have experienced in the past. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Family/genetic history
  • Any surgeries
  • Previous accidents or injuries
  • Previous illnesses
  • The onset of current symptoms
  • Other significant life events

What Is Your Current Physical State?

If you’ve been to a medical doctor for a physical examination recently, you may recognize this part of the assessment.

Dr. Sheila will perform a full physical examination of your vital signs, including:

  • Blood pressure
  • Heart rate
  • Respiratory rate
  • temperature

On top of this, Dr. Sheila will also perform a focused physical examination of the systems affected including:

  • Neurological assessment
  • Respiratory
  • Cardiac
  • Skin, Hair and Nails
  • Gastrointestinal
  • Urinary

Dr. Sheila will also explore whether you use any assistive living devices, such as a pacemaker, and any specific symptoms you may be feeling.

Feel better, naturally.
Dr. Sheila can help.

Book your FREE 15-minute consultation today.

What Is Your Current Emotional State?

Naturopathic doctors recognize that the body works as a whole. Rather than simply addressing your physical condition, Dr. Sheila will explore any emotional or mental factors which may be influencing your health. This may include:

  • Current living situation
  • Current or history of abuse
  • Stressors
  • Your social habits
  • Relationships with your friends and family
  • Any interpersonal issues (coworkers, boss, spouse, kids, etc)

What Is Your Current Lifestyle Like? 

Your lifestyle in this case generally refers to the “other” factors which may influence your health. Each of these can be incredibly important in determining your current level of health. This section may include questions about:

  • Your current diet
  • Vitamin supplements you’re taking
  • Any pharmaceutical drugs you’re currently taking
  • Your exercise routine
  • Your career (manual labour vs. desk job)
  • Your relation to controlled substances (alcohol, cannabis, tobacco, etc)
  • Your sleep habits

Laboratory Tests 

Dr. Sheila may also order laboratory testing to further explore your current level of health. Laboratory tests can help uncover the presence of many different illnesses, as well as any nutrient deficiencies you may have.

Depending on your current state of health, Dr. Sheila may suggest the following:

  • Blood test
  • Urine sample
  • Stool sample
  • Hair sample
  • Salivary assessment

Contact Dr. Sheila 

Once Dr. Sheila has done a full naturopathic assessment, she will be able to provide you with the most accurate health advice.

Naturopathic medicine is not a one-size-fits-all approach.

It’s only by fully understanding your full health history that Dr. Sheila can offer treatments tailored to you.

Contact Dr. Sheila to book your initial naturopathic assessment today.

It’s time to reach your health's full potential

Dr. Sheila can help. Book your FREE 15-minute consultation today.