As a registered nurse herself, Dr. Sheila has a deep understanding of the issues nurses and other shift workers face in their careers.

One of her areas of special interest is in providing solutions to help you navigate these unique challenges.

Read on to find out more.

Naturopathic Solutions For Stress & Burnout In Nurses And Shift Workers 

Working long shifts at a time can take its toll on your health. As you work your 12 hour shift, you may be subject to a large number of stressors.

Maybe you’re short staffed, and as a result your workload is heavier than it ought to be. Or maybe you just have trouble saying no to new responsibilities.

Your job may be monotonous, or you may not have any control over your day to day tasks. On the other hand, maybe it’s too predictable – one day is laid back and monotonous, the next chaotic and frantic.

Or perhaps your colleagues are difficult to deal with – maybe you’re stuck with a colleague who bullies or undermines you. Lacking social support at work can be stressful.

And, if you’re a nurse or other first responder, your job is to put the needs of others before your own. If you don’t, you aren’t fulfilling your responsibilities.

Each of these can put you at greater risk of burnout. Mix them all together, and you get a recipe for exhaustion.

Dr. Sheila can help.

She can work with you to develop healthy coping mechanisms to stay able to deal with the stress of your work and lifestyle. The goal is to stave off the burnout, keeping you healthier and better able to deal with what your job throws at you.

Book an appointment with Dr. Sheila to get naturopathic solutions for burnout geared to your unique needs.

Naturopathic Treatment For Injuries In Nurses And Shift Workers

Being on your feet all day and lifting heavy objects – and sometimes heavy patients – can put you at greater risk of certain injuries than others.

In particular, nurses suffer quite a bit from back strains and injuries, and chronic pain in the lower back, shoulders, and feet. These injuries can make it significantly more difficult to do your job properly, adding unnecessary stress to your life. And we already know you’re at greater risk of burnout than the average person.

Chronic pain can be difficult for anybody, but for those in a physically demanding job, it can be particularly troublesome.

Dr. Sheila can help.

Acupuncture treatments have been proven to help reduce chronic pain. Though we don’t understand exactly why, there is a growing body of evidence for the benefits of acupuncture.

Have you been injured at work? Or, are you dealing with chronic pain that makes your professional and personal life more difficult?

If so, book an appointment with Dr. Sheila.

Feel better, naturally.
Dr. Sheila can help.

Book your FREE 15-minute consultation today.

Mental Health Solutions For Nurses & Shift Workers 

Studies from all around the world show that depression and mental health issues are more common in nurses than the rest of the general population. This is true all over the world – studies include nurses from Australia, Iran, Taiwan, the Caribbean, Vietnam, the United States, and of course, Canada.

Naturally, depression can have a significant impact on your ability to do your job. But it also can impact your life in your downtime.

It’s natural to feel down after a difficult day, or during a particularly stressful or traumatic event. But if your feelings don’t pass with time, or you’re having trouble linking them with a specific event, you may have clinical depression.

Other than sadness and depression, the symptoms of clinical depression are as follows:

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Guilty feeling
  • Sadness
  • Hopelessness
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Restlessness
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Difficulty remembering
  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Digestive disorders
  • Loss of interest in pleasurable activities
  • Loss of libido
  • Appetite loss or overeating
  • Aches and pains throughout your body
  • Headaches
  • Suicidal thoughts

If you relate to some of the above symptoms, you may have clinical depression. Dr. Sheila can help.

Pharmaceutical drugs can be an effective tool in treating depression, but they take a more symptom-based approach. Dr. Sheila offers solutions designed to address the root cause of your depressive symptoms. This can help you reduce the frequency and severity of your depressive feelings.

If you’re struggling with depression, you don’t have to go through it alone. Dr. Sheila knows better than most the struggles you face as a nurse or shift worker. She offers naturopathic treatments which can help.

Book an appointment with Dr. Sheila today to find out how.

Naturopathic Solutions For Sleep Issues For Nurses And Shift Workers

Conventional knowledge shows us that getting 8 hours of sleep a night, and going to bed at around the same time, is a good idea. However, if you’re a nurse or other shift worker, you know this isn’t always possible.

Working long and inconsistent hours can sometimes make it difficult to get consistent sleep. Juggling your work hours with your other life commitments, as well as the general stresses of daily life, can be a lot more difficult without good sleep.

Dr. Sheila can help.

Your schedule is what it is. Dr. Sheila can offer you solutions designed to mitigate the inconsistencies in your sleep. This includes general sleep hygiene tips, herbal supplements to help improve your quality of sleep, and lifestyle counseling.

Burnout, depression, and other mental health issues have been repeatedly linked with sleep issues. But it doesn’t have to be that way with you. Dr. Sheila can help you optimize your sleep, so you can face the day’s challenges with more energy.

Book an appointment with Dr. Sheila today to find out more.

Natural Weight Loss Solutions For Nurses And Shift Workers

You know the familiar sight in the break room. Someone brought a box of donuts into work, or a bag of cookies, or some candy.

It’s a sweet gesture. But you know it’s not good for you.

But as your day gets longer and your body gets more tired, your willpower starts to melt away. By the time you’ve reached the ninth or tenth hour of your shift, the donut’s beckon becomes irresistible.

And you’re going to face the same call tomorrow, and the next day, and for every other shift.

On top of this, the long and stressful hours you work make it difficult to plan meals. By the time you get home, all you want to do is sleep. As a result, you end up eating out, a lot. Not only does this get expensive, it gets unhealthy.

As the months go on, you start to notice your waistline expand. Your old pants don’t quite fit anymore. You’re feeling more and more exhausted. You inch closer and closer to burnout.

Dr. Sheila can help.

Dietary habits have an enormous effect on your health. Dr. Sheila will work with you to put together a nutrition plan that works with your lifestyle. Your plan will be geared toward your body’s unique nutritional needs. The goal is to give you the nutrients you need to deal with the stresses of being a nurse, feel better, and enjoy a healthier life.

Book an appointment with Dr. Sheila today to find out more.

Contact Dr. Sheila 

If you’re seeking options to help improve your health, it helps to find someone who you can connect with. Someone who understands your experiences, who can relate to the pressures you face.

That’s Dr. Sheila.

As a registered nurse, Dr. Sheila knows firsthand the stresses nurses and shift workers face. And she offers solutions designed to help with these very stresses.

If you’re not certain whether naturopathic medicine is right for you, Dr. Sheila offers FREE 15-minute consultations for first time patients.

During that consultation, you’ll get a chance to sit down with Dr. Sheila at her comfortable and relaxing Yorkville clinic. If you have questions about Dr. Sheila’s approach, or about naturopathic medicine in general, she’ll answer them. If you have concerns, she’ll address them. In the end, you’ll walk away with a better understanding of how naturopathic medicine can help you.

Our nurses are an important part of what keeps the people of Toronto healthy. Don’t you deserve to access that same level of health?

Contact Dr. Sheila to book your FREE 15-minute consultation today.

Book a FREE 15 minute consultation with Dr. Sheila today,

and find out how naturopathic medicine can help you.

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