Naturopathic Solutions For Type 1 Diabetes

Naturopathic Solutions For Type 1 Diabetes | Dr. Sheila Dyer, ND | Toronto Naturopath

Type 1 diabetes is a condition that typically manifests during childhood.

While it does carry a lifelong dependence on insulin, there are many naturopathic solutions that can help to manage the condition.

For example, you could see a naturopath for hormone imbalance or a naturopath with a special interest in autoimmune disease – we can help.

The beauty of working with a Toronto naturopathic doctor is that they will be able to tailor their approach to fit your life and health goals.

Now, let’s find out more.

What Is Type 1 Diabetes?

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder that accounts for five to ten percent of all diabetes cases.

It typically develops in children and young adults, which is why it’s sometimes called juvenile diabetes.

If it does, it causes your pancreas to produce very little amounts of insulin, which is the hormone required to transport glucose into your cells.

It is there in your cells that glucose can then be converted into energy.

If you have type 1 diabetes, you will need to take insulin each day for your entire life.

Type 1 Diabetes Symptoms

Type 1 diabetes symptoms vary from being mild to intense.

For example, on the mild side some symptoms include persistent thirst or irritability.

These mild symptoms can sometimes be responsible for a delay in diagnosis.

This is a problem because early detection can decrease your risk of developing complications from this autoimmune condition.

Generally speaking, symptoms of type 1 diabetes includes:

It’s also possible for these symptoms to manifest quite suddenly.

If you’re feeling these symptoms and wondering if you might have type 1 diabetes, however, the answer is probably not.

If you have type 1 diabetes, you almost certainly already know it, since you can’t survive for more than a few weeks without insulin at best.

Type 1 Diabetes Causes

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition, like rheumatoid arthritis and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

This means that your body’s immune system attacks and destroys the cells in your pancreas which specialize in the production of insulin.

As a result, your blood glucose levels will be abnormally high, but your cells will not have the energy they require.

That is why people with type 1 diabetes are described as being insulin dependent, because they will need daily insulin injections to function.

While not an explicit cause, the risk of developing this condition is higher if you have a family history of diabetes or as a result of genetic mutation.

Naturopathic Treatment For Diabetes Type 1

With the vast majority of cases of type 1 diabetes, you will be insulin dependent for the rest of your life, and it’s irresponsible for any healthcare practitioner to suggest otherwise.

However, that doesn’t mean we can’t help.

The naturopathic goal for the management of type 1 diabetes is to help you maintain your best possible health.

This includes keeping your cardiovascular system strong, improving your diet and lifestyle, and managing your stress.

Keep reading to find out more.

staying active helps with treating type 1 diabetes | Dr. Sheila Dyer, ND | Toronto Naturopath

1. Stay Active

Exercise is important for your overall health, especially if you have type 1 diabetes.

Increasing your activity levels with aerobic activities can improve the insulin sensitivity in your muscles’ cells, which allows more glucose to enter the cell.

The recommended daily amount of exercise is roughly 30 minutes per day.

2. Manage Your Carbohydrate Intake

There are three main types of carbohydrates: fibre, sugars, and starches.

You can find these carbohydrates in vegetables, pasta, bread, and even fruits.

Carbohydrates turn into sugar in your digestive tract and from there are absorbed into your bloodstream, which raises your glucose level.

This is why it’s important to manage your carbohydrate intake.

Certain carbohydrates will act faster on your blood sugar levels than others.

For example, if you’re experiencing low blood sugar levels, an easily digested and absorbable fact-acting carb is the best choice to raise it quickly.

Outside of those situations, you’ll want to keep starches and sugars to a minimum.

Instead, go with carbohydrates with low glycemic index.

Your naturopathic doctor can help to explain more about which choices are best for you.

3. Eat Lots Of Non-Starchy Vegetables

Starch is a form of sugar (and a type of carbohydrate) that naturally occurs in many common vegetables.

For example, you’ll find them in potatoes, corn, and even peas.

Starchy vegetables should be eaten in moderation because they contain more carbohydrates than other vegetables and thus need to be accounted for while calculating your carbohydrate intake.

Vegetables that are not starchy will have a lower impact on your blood sugar levels, and you can eat up to three cups of these without a major impact on your blood sugar.

Plus, they’re typically rich in vitamins, minerals, fibres, and phytochemicals.

Some great non-starchy vegetable options include:

  • Asparagus
  • Beets
  • Carrots
  • Cucumber
  • Onions
  • Peppers
  • Sprouts
  • Tomatoes
  • Green, leafy vegetables

4. Supplement With Vitamin D & Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Finally, studies have shown that supplementing with vitamin D and omega 3 fatty acids may slow the progression of type 1 diabetes.

This is because chronic inflammation has been linked to the progression of type 1 diabetes.

Vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids have anti inflammatory properties, in addition to their many other health benefits.

Book Appointment With Dr. Sheila Dyer, ND

As you can see, there are a variety of naturopathic solutions for type 1 diabetes.

It is a holistic approach incorporating exercise in addition to dietary management of the condition.

Consider working directly with a naturopathic doctor who can tailor a dietary plan to meet your health goals, and offer their expertise to better manage your type 1 diabetes condition.

Book an appointment today with me, Dr. Sheila Dyer, ND to get started.

If you have questions about naturopathic medicine, or would like to start with your first consultation, contact me, and let’s book an appointment.

Dr. Sheila Dyer, ND
1080 Dovercourt Rd,
Toronto, ON M6H 2X8

(416) 554-5135

Dr. Sheila Dyer is a Naturopathic Doctor and a practicing registered nurse offering holistic healthcare with a scientific focus