Health Benefits Of Citrus Fruits

Health Benefits Of Citrus Fruits | Dr. Sheila Dyer Naturopathic Doctor in Toronto | Yorkville Naturopath

You probably know it’s important to get lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Different fruits bring with them different benefits.

Today we’re going to take a closer look at some of the specific benefits of citrus fruits.

One commonly known benefit of citrus fruits is that they’re high in vitamin C, which means they offer potent natural immune health solutions, however, there are so many more benefits associated with them as well.

Keep reading to learn more.

What Counts As A Citrus Fruit?

Citrus fruits are characterized by their thick, leathery rinds as well as a spongy white tissue known as the pith.

Native to New Caledonia, New Guinea, and Australia, citrus fruits are now cultivated around the world in tropical and sub-tropical climates including the USA, Mexico, Spain, Brazil, China, and India.

Benefits Of Citrus Fruits

Although they are most well-known for their high vitamin C content, citrus fruits have a number of other health benefits as well.

Keep reading as we discuss these benefits.

But of course, we’ll start with the fact that…

1. They’re High In Vitamin C

Vitamin C is excellent for the immune system, as well as skin health.

A 2014 study in Mini Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry notes some of the benefits of vitamin C, which include:

  • Antioxidant properties
  • Immune system stimulation
  • Antiviral and antibacterial properties
  • Anti-inflammatory properties

Another article notes some of the benefits of vitamin C, including its role in wound healing, and tissue repair, which are important facets of the immune system.

2. They’re High In Potassium

Most of us associate potassium with bananas, so it may surprise you to learn citrus fruits are another great source for this important mineral.

Potassium plays an important role in fluid regulation, muscle contraction, and the regulation of minerals in your body by helping to flush out excess sodium.

Eating foods rich in potassium – including citrus fruits – can help reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke.

citrus foods are good for your immune system | Dr. Sheila Dyer Naturopathic Doctor in Toronto | Yorkville Naturopath

3. They’re Hydrating

Citrus fruits have an incredibly high water content (oranges are 87% water, grapefruit is 88%).

This means snacking on citrus fruits can help you to avoid dehydration, which also helps to keep the body’s systems working properly.

Hydrating foods also help keep you full, with fewer calories.

4. They’re Good For Your Heart

Citrus fruits contain compounds called flavonoids which are good for your heart.

A study in the Journal of Epidemiology looked at the link between consumption of citrus fruits and incidences of cardiovascular disease.

It found the risk of cardiovascular disease was lower in participants who consumed citrus fruits frequently.

5. They’re High In Fibre

Citrus fruits are an excellent way to meet your daily fibre goals.

A large percentage of adults do not get enough fibre in their diets, so eating more citrus is one way to achieve this.

One cup of orange segments contains four grams of fibre.

Furthermore, approximately two-thirds of the fibre in citrus fruits is soluble fibre, which helps with managing weight, lowering cholesterol, and stabilizing blood sugar.

Are There Any Risks Associated With Citrus Fruits?

Citrus fruits are full of benefits, however, there are a couple of risks which should be noted as well.

Let’s review what these are.

1. Grapefruits Can Interfere With Some Drugs

If you take any medications, it’s important to be aware of interactions which can make it less effective.

A chemical in grapefruit binds to an enzyme in your gut which reduces the absorption of some medications, resulting in those medications being absorbed by the body, and reducing their efficacy.

The following is an incomplete list of medications which can be affected by grapefruit:

2. Citrus Juice Is High In Calories

Some people think that because oranges are super healthy and full of nutrients, starting each morning with a tall glass of orange juice is a healthy start to the day.

Unfortunately, although citrus juice is packed with vitamin C, it’s not as healthy as eating whole fruit.

Typical fruit juices are full of sugar, making them much higher in calories than eating the whole fruit.

Additionally, fruit juices are lower in fibre than eating whole fruits.

When you eat whole fruits, the fibre content prevents the sugar from being absorbed too quickly into the bloodstream.

Without the fibre from the whole fruit, sugar in juices is absorbed quickly by the body, resulting in a blood sugar spike.

Book An Appointment With Dr. Sheila

Are you looking for natural solutions to boost immune system health?

Do you worry about getting enough nutrients for your body to function at its peak?

Perhaps you are concerned because your children drink too many fruit juices, and don’t consume enough whole fruits.

Whatever your issue, I can help.

Contact me, Dr. Sheila, today to learn more about what naturopathic medicine can do for you.

If you have questions about naturopathic medicine, or would like to start with your first consultation, contact me, and let’s book an appointment.

Dr. Sheila Dyer, ND
1080 Dovercourt Rd,
Toronto, ON M6H 2X8

(416) 554-5135

Dr. Sheila Dyer is a Naturopathic Doctor and a practicing registered nurse offering holistic healthcare with a scientific focus