A Naturopathic Review of “The Magic Pill” a documentary by Pete Evans

A Naturopathic Review of “The Magic Pill” | Dr. Sheila Dyer Naturopathic Doctor


This Australian documentary follows five people struggling with various health concerns as they change to a high fat, low carb diet. They sometimes use the term Ketogenic diet, but mostly they refer to a high fat, low carb diet. By adopting this diet, all five individuals make huge recoveries from asthma, diabetes, autism/epilepsy, chronic pain and breast cancer.

The main Health Claim put forth in the documentary is that everyone should follow a Ketogenic Diet. This diet is what lead all five individuals to recover from various chronic illnesses.

What I like about this movie

This movie gets a few things right but emphasizes the wrong issue. This movie stresses above all else the importance of high fat and animal consumption.  I really appreciate the whole foods approach, but this is not the main focus of the documentary. I also agree somewhat with their stance on carbohydrates. I liked the point that simple carbohydrates are addictive but also keep us hungry. This brings to mind that hungry/tired feeling you get when your blood sugar crashes after eating simple carbs. There The documentary does not differentiate between whole food/complex carbohydrates vs. simple, refined carbohydrates. There is a big difference between a bowl of brown rice vs. white bread with butter. I appreciate the additional information on the industry side of carbs. It is important to know that we didn’t get into this carb addiction on our own without industry, regulators, and governments being involved.

My issues with the documentary


  • Where are the veggies? Eating 6-10 portions of fruit and vegetables is the corner stone of my approach to healthy eating. Vegetables are barely mentioned amongst all the talk of meat
  • Protein only from animal sources. This movie cuts out all legumes for no specific reason. They also make no mention of nuts, seeds or soy products.
  • Animal fats as healthy fats. I would rather people eat vegetarian sources of fat or seafood. For more information on healthy fats, read my post on the subject. http://sheiladyernd.com/healthy-fats-what-they-are-and-where-to-find-them/
  • The Ketogenic Diet is not suited to everyone. This is a diet that is hard to sustain for a long period. In order to have your body in a state of ketosis, you need to be very strict about what you eat. This is not the simple fix they make it out to be
  • Attributing all the health gains made by the five individuals to eating a high fat low carb diet. A lot of those health gains would be seen in a more gentle, whole foods, low GI index diet. Also, there is no mention of lifestyle changes. We see one individual riding a bike, but it is not discussed
  • Claiming the Ketogenic Diet can cure cancer. This is a dangerous claim to make. Not all cancers respond the same and therefore the ketogenic diet cannot be applied to all cancers equally. The Ketogenic Diet could be an adjunct treatment, but should not be the only treatment focus.

A final word on “The Magic Pill”

It is a fine documentary. There is a lot of healthy eating facts offered. The focus on whole foods instead of highly processed food is excellent. I want to see more importance placed on fruits and vegetables and vegetarian protein sources. The health claims are a little over the top, but it is a documentary after all. I take issue with the Ketogenic Diet being touted as “The Magic Pill.” I believe the Ketogenic Diet has therapeutic significance but needs to be treated with respect and used in particular circumstances. All in all, there are some helpful facts but don’t buy the whole package.

If you have seen the movie, let me know your thoughts in the comments section below.


If you have questions about naturopathic medicine, or would like to start with your first consultation, contact me, and let’s book an appointment.

Dr. Sheila Dyer, ND
1080 Dovercourt Rd,
Toronto, ON M6H 2X8

(416) 554-5135

Dr. Sheila Dyer is a Naturopathic Doctor and a practicing registered nurse offering holistic healthcare with a scientific focus

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